Project: Enhancing the tourism potential of the Municipalities of Kyustendil and Konche – A Sustainable Joint Future
Contract No.: РД-02-29-211/17.10.2016




Municipality of Konche, 18 April, 2017


Short description of the project:


Name of the project: “Enhancing the tourism potential of the Municipalities of Kyustendil and Konche – A Sustainable Joint Future


Priority Axis: Tourism


Main goal: improving access to natural and cultural heritage in the municipality of Kyustendil (BG) and KONCHE (МК) to leverage the potential on both sides of the border


Специфична цел: 2.1 Enhancing the tourism potential of the region through cooperation and initiatives for better preservation and sustainable utilization of natural and cultural heritage


Очекувани резултати:

1.Established basis for sustainable tourism development, establishment and promotion of competitive offer in the Cross-border area;

  1. Strengthened cooperation and increased awareness on preservation and promotion of the natural/cultural values;
  2. Improved capacities (Human Resource, equipment/ infrastructure) for sustainable tourist and economic development.



  1. Setting and implementing Project Management System –aiming to secure effective instruments for implementation of project activity cycle;
  2. Design/Implementing Communication/Visibility Strategy- aiming to maintain communication with the target groups and visibility of the actions;
  3. Transport and pedestrian access to natural landmark “Polska Skakavitsa Waterfall’’ – dual phase activity:
  4. A) Rehabilitation of municipal road;
  5. B) Construction of eco trails and differentiation of areas for rest and observation.


  1. Urban landscaping – installation of equipment for touristic settlement Mantovo:
  2. a) improved access to the natural landmark; and
  3. B) provided site for stay of tourists and visitors.
  4. Workshop: “Appropriate behavior with the clients” – aiming to strengthen the capacities of tourism actors to provide effective services and care to tourists;
  5. Workshop: Sustainable use of nature and culture for tourism development – aiming to transfer knowledge and skill to local participants to effectively use natural/cultural resources for creation of competitive touristic products;
  6. Study for presenting the nature potentials for tourism development in Municipality of Kyustendil – a dual phased activity:
  7. A) Study – collecting and producing materials related to nature potentials for tourism

      development; and

  1. B) Production of DVD multimedia;
  2. Presenting the cultural/natural touristic potentials of Municipality of Konche – a triple phased activity:
  3. A) Research – mapping of cultural/natural resources;
  4. B) Production of DVD Multimedia, and
  5. C) Production of touristic postcards;
  6. Project Closing Event –aiming to present the achievements of the project and discuss the prospects for further cooperation.


Duration of the project: 18 months

Comencement date: 18 October 2016


Total Budget:  412.105,36 EUR

Budget for the Municipality of Konche: 172.003,38 EUR

85% of the Budget is cofinanced from INTERREAG IPA Cross-Border Programme between Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of Macedonia – CCI 2014TC16I5CB006.

15% of the Budget is self cofinancing of Konche Municipality (Ministry of Local Self Government of the Republic of Macedonia).